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Finworks for the Government Sector

Effectively serve the public by improving data processes, data delivery, data privacy, and decision-making with reliable data. 

By 2025, 75% of government chief information officers (CIOs) will be responsible for outside-of-IT security, including operational and mission-critical technology environments.

- Gartner.

 Government Case Study

Data Management

20 Years of Robust and Agile Workflow for the UK Home Office

The Home Office, commonly known as the Home Department in official documents and when referred to in parliament, is a ministerial department of His Majesty's Government responsible for immigration, counter-terrorism, police, drug policy, and other science and research. 

Big Ben
Workflow Management

Successful Implementation of Low-Code Platform for UK Government

Successfully transitioning manual processes which involved both expert, legal and ministerial review to a case management platform on the cloud resulting in process and notification automation, secure audit history, role-based permissions and reliable reporting to other government departments and stakeholders.


case management

Create a Seamless Data for Government System

The government sector has an opportunity to simplify public-service delivery, accelerate IT modernisation and digital transformation efforts, minimise fraud and abuse, achieve mission readiness to defend national interests, and catalyse massive operational efficiencies while lowering costs, minimising risks, and increasing public satisfaction and trust by advancing data architecture and using it more effectively. 

Challenges in Government Sector

Governments accumulate enormous amounts of data. Nonetheless, they are frequently unable to maximise the value of their data if the data is scattered, siloed, or poorly integrated. The   hierarchy of government data can make it difficult to change quickly. Leaders in the public sector are starting to recognise that by unlocking the value of their data, they can become more responsive to their responsibility to taxpayers and service users. 

The government must constantly adapt to the changing social and political landscape, which can be done more effectively through technological innovation. Accountability and transparency are critical for future-proofing the UK against the world's most difficult problems, in which data sharing plays a critical role. COVID-19 has left a lasting history by demonstrating the importance of data and analytical maturity in government decision-making. When data is used to better serve people, the opportunity to assist those in communities who are most in need can be immensely valuable. 

How Finworks Help Government Sector

Information that is readily available in real-time allows government agencies and departments to make processes standardised and more efficient, identify areas that which don’t meet KPIs or SLAs, make more informed decisions more quickly, and implement necessary changes. 

Develop Efficient Access to Data

Finworks supports user-configurable workflows, business rules, forms and case data structures, powerful task and queue management, and collaborative sharing and escalation with prioritisation and exception management. 

Enhance Data Governance and Transparency

Active data governance allows teams to see processes in real time, showing the current workload and highlighting bottlenecks. The structure and automation ensure compliance and automation, resulting in measurable time savings. The efficient repeatable processes lower risk and result in significant cost savings.

Optimised Information Sharing

Finworks provides data context to facilitate discovery and collaboration. Users can now find, fully grasp, and share data related to governance and compliance. 

Modernised data ecosystem

The Finworks solution fully supports use by multiple distinct service delivery teams. The solution is designed to be used by several teams, departments or organisations with their own access rights and is interoperable with upstream and downstream data.

Finworks can play a vital role in implementing strategic automation to achieve quality, speed, agility, or innovation outcomes. Government departments and ministries are moving towards insight-driven transformation by changing models to be less reactive and more predictive using their data assets and workflow KPIs. Finworks has increased productivity by helping the UK Government department develop the following: 

A standardised workflow

Process and notification automation​
Secure audit history backed by role-based permissions 
Reliable reporting and exports 

Finworks has worked in partnership with government IT leaders to power strategic, data-driven services critical to their organisation's mission. 

Finworks provides enterprise-grade platforms to transform the way government organisations work. Our exceptional low-code data management and workflow platforms have helped central government ministerial departments achieve efficiencies and quality outcomes. 

Data Management

Finworks Data Management for Government

Finworks combines cloud database, data management, and data integration capabilities to help public sector organisations gain deeper business insights and operate more efficiently.
Data management provides quicker insight extraction, and integrated governance helps with data security, which is compliant to Government security standards up to an OFFICIAL SENSITIVE.

Finworks Workflow for Government

The Finworks Workflow Management Platform is being used by public institutions to define, manage and automate mission critical workflows and business processes, accelerating operations throughout the organisation and reducing cost. We empower departments to achieve digital transformation, develop a truly agile organisation, realise efficiencies quickly and to achieve sustainable improvement.



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Our powerful, easy to deploy software enables you to continuously gather, manage, question and learn from all the data available to you, and make significant ongoing improvements to your business as a result.