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Harnessing Data for Innovation

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Optimising Data Potential: Empowering Organisations with Trusted Data Management

Optimising data potential is crucial in empowering organisations to make informed, data-driven decisions, enhance...

Navigating the Cloud: Best Practices for Effective Cloud Data Governance

Data governance has evolved from relatively simple standards for data security and privacy to a broad enterprise-wide...

Fostering a Data-First Culture: Strategies for Integrating Data into Daily Operations

Did you know that data-driven businesses lead to faster and more powerful insights and are more likely to outperform...

What are the Benefits of Storing Your Data on the Cloud?

Cloud computing is transforming the data storage and processing landscape, gaining immense popularity and, in many...

How Can the Cloud Ensure and Strengthen Security?

The services deployed in the cloud by financial services organisations are not fundamentally different from those...

Supply Chain Cyberattacks: Protecting Critical Links in the Data Flow?

In the digital era, supply chains have evolved into complex networks that drive the global economy. Yet, this newfound...

Data Governance in Financial Services: Ensuring Fairness and Efficiency

Data governance in financial services is more than just data management. Given the sensitive nature of the data...

Strengthening Data Governance: Mitigating Threats in Financial Institutions

Financial institutions are recognising the potential benefits of their data, but they are struggling with the challenge...

Why is Data Governance Challenging for Enterprises in the Financial Services Sector?

Enterprises frequently face challenges such as a lack of data visibility, data security issues, and poor data quality....

Data, Big Tech, and the New Concept of Tech Sovereignty

Data has become the lifeblood of our digital society, fuelling innovation, economic growth, and the transformation of...

Securing Your Data: Why Finworks Is Your Trusted Partner

Data security is now considered the most critical part of data management. In this digital age, where data breaches are...

Balancing Security and Privacy: Data Protection in Government Digital Services

Governments have an immense amount of data as they often collect sensitive and personal information of citizens, such...

Technological Sovereignty - Industry Considerations

Technological sovereignty has emerged as a critical aspect for industries worldwide in an era of rapid technological...

What is the concept of technological sovereignty?

Technology shapes economies, societies, and individual lives. However, the dominance of a few global tech giants and...

Competition Policy, Political Power and Achieving Digital Sovereignty 

Recently, the European Commission’s accusations against Google have sparked significant concerns regarding the tech...

The Geopolitics of Technology: Standards and Tech Sovereignty

The geopolitical landscape of technology and data presents a significant risk that impacts companies in various sectors...