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Tech Sovereignty:
Regaining Control over
Data and Digital Platforms

Every year, a massive amount of data is created and stored, and the amount is increasing all the time. An estimated 180 zettabytes of data will be created, copied, and consumed globally by 2025. Today, Europe and the UK rely on foreign companies for most of their digital life.  
An estimated 92% of all data in the Western world is stored on servers owned by American companies. This includes various online and connected activities, ranging from regional and national government data to social media. 
This digital dependence is a major issue. To thrive economically, Europe and the UK must become leading digital economies, but this will only be possible if Europe and the UK regain control, trust, and sovereignty over data and digital technology. In this article, you’ll learn; 

How does one achieve smarter, timely and more responsive data management solutions

The true potential of Big Data solutions came to the forefront with the advent of the relational database model, the initial foray into this domain took form of reference data databases, or static data databases as they were called at the time. The aim was to create centralised golden copy of reference data that could be shared throughout the lifecycle of a transaction. 

The next step in the evolution was to supplement reference data with transactional information which led to the development of the first Big Data solutions. These were typically based on inflexible predefined fixed schemas, requiring a great deal of thought into the design at the project inspection phase, with a need to undertake thorough data lineage analysis. 

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Section 1:

What is Technology Sovereignty?

Technology sovereignty refers to a country’s ability to have control and independence over its technology. It involves taking control of the organisation’s software and hardware, protecting privacy and security-sensitive data and other digital assets.

Digital sovereignty, as defined by Pierre Bellanger, the author of “La Souveraineté Numérique” (Digital Sovereignty), encompasses the ability to govern the present and shape our future through the proficient utilisation of technology and computer networks.

This concept of digital sovereignty consists of two fundamental pillars: 

Data sovereignty:

Pertains to a company’s authority and autonomy in managing and safeguarding the data it generates and utilises.

Technological sovereignty:

On the other hand, refers to the extent of control a company or nation can exercise over its digital technologies, ensuring independence and self-reliance in utilising and regulating these technologies. 

Section 2:

Digital Sovereignty in the UK and Europe 

Governments and policymakers have voiced concern over the widespread use of foreign data centres for storage and processing. To ensure the British and European countries can manage their data, enhance their digital ecosystem, and increase digital sustainability, they want higher parameters for using and storing data locally.

It has been argued that the only way for Europe and the UK to maintain their digital sovereignty in the face of this threat is to increase their regulatory independence. Here’s a high-level explanation of how that can happen: 

  • All European data must be stored within Europe. 
  • European regulations and standards must be established and implemented. 
  • Any data processing or storage must come from European information technology (IT) companies.
Many companies continue to have challenges managing and controlling their data because of the complexity of implementation. 
Why Data Fabric is the Future of Data Management

The complexity of the data management landscape is rapidly evolving, and data fabric is the most recent improvement in this field. Data fabric is a distributed data management system that allows businesses to manage data across diverse systems at scale. 

For many companies, data is gathered in silos and typically kept in ways that make it almost worthless. Data fabric is seen to address the issue. It improves the previous concepts of data warehouse and data lake to create an architecture that allows for consistent data consumption throughout the business. 

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Section 3:

Why is Digital Sovereignty Important for Businesses?

According to a global survey by Cisco, 76% of consumers refused to buy products from a company they did not trust with their data. Furthermore, 37% of customers have switched to a competitor business due to concerns over data privacy. 
Tech Sovereignty has become a paramount concern for countries worldwide, extending beyond North America, the EU, and China. Nations, such as those within the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), are increasingly seeking independence from American tech giants as they strive to maintain control over their data. This desire for autonomy drives their interest in exploring alternatives to established American providers.  
Digital sovereignty holds significant importance for businesses due to several reasons; 

1. Control over Data:

Digital sovereignty allows businesses to maintain control over their data. Data sovereignty allows companies to determine how their data is collected, stored, processed, and shared. This control ensures compliance with regulations, protects sensitive information, and mitigates the risk of data breaches. It also enables businesses to leverage their data strategically for competitive advantages, innovation, and informed decision-making.

2. Security and Privacy:

Businesses can establish robust security measures and encryption protocols, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected from unauthorised access and cyber threats. With digital sovereignty, companies can safeguard customer privacy, fostering trust and confidence in their services.

3. Independence and Autonomy:

Digital sovereignty empowers businesses with independence and autonomy. Businesses can have greater control over their technological infrastructure, software, and systems by reducing dependence on external technology providers. This autonomy allows companies to tailor their digital strategies to their needs, respond flexibly to market demands, and maintain a competitive edge.

4. Regulatory Compliance:

 Businesses must demonstrate compliance in an evolving data protection and privacy regulation era, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By maintaining digital sovereignty, companies can implement appropriate measures, manage data governance effectively, and meet the legal obligations imposed by regulators.

5. Innovation and Digital Transformation:

 Digital sovereignty enables businesses to drive innovation and undergo digital transformation on their terms. With control over their technology stack, businesses can experiment, develop new solutions, and adopt emerging technologies that align with their strategic objectives. This flexibility fosters agility, adaptability, and the ability to seize market opportunities swiftly. 

Section 4:

Achieving Digital Sovereignty in Data Management

Digital sovereignty aims to empower citizens and companies by granting them the authority to determine data collection, sharing, usage, and retention. This vision of digital sovereignty relies on three critical conditions, each playing a vital role in ensuring its effectiveness. Failure to meet any of these conditions jeopardises the entire data sovereignty chain. Let’s delve into these conditions and their significance: 

1. Quality Datasets with Fair Access and Use Rules:

The first condition for data sovereignty is the availability of quality datasets coupled with fair rules for access and use. High-quality datasets provide accurate, reliable, and relevant information, forming the foundation for making informed decisions and driving meaningful insights. Data quality encompasses completeness, accuracy, consistency, and timeliness.

Additionally, fair rules for access and use are essential to maintain transparency, trust, and equitable participation in the data ecosystem. Establishing clear guidelines and regulations ensures that data is accessed and utilised responsibly, ethically, and legally. Fair access and use rules prevent data misuse, unauthorised access, and discriminatory practices. 

2. Secure Storage:

The second condition for data sovereignty is secure storage. Data security is paramount to protect sensitive information from unauthorised access, breaches, and potential threats. Secure storage involves implementing robust measures to safeguard data throughout its lifecycle.

This includes employing encryption techniques, access controls, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits. By adopting these security measures, businesses can ensure their data’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Secure storage mitigates risks and helps maintain data sovereignty by preventing data breaches, loss, or manipulation. 

3. Algorithms and Computational Resources for Ready-to-Deploy Solutions:

The third condition for data sovereignty is having algorithms and computational resources available for ready-to-deploy solutions. This condition focuses on efficient processing and extracting valuable insights from the data. Algorithms and computational resources enable businesses to extract knowledge, make predictions, and develop innovative solutions based on their data assets.

Access to powerful computational resources, such as high-performance computing and cloud infrastructure, empowers organisations to rapidly process large volumes of data. Effective algorithms drive accurate analysis and meaningful outcomes, enabling businesses to leverage their data effectively.

The entire data sovereignty chain is at risk if one of these conditions is missing – quality datasets with fair access and use rules, secure storage, algorithms, and computational resources for ready-to-deploy solutions. Failing to meet any of these conditions compromises the integrity, security, and value of data, limiting businesses’ ability to harness the potential of their digital assets. 

Section 5:

How to Assess and Build Digital Sovereignty 

There are diverse perspectives on digital sovereignty, spanning various entities and companies. The need for digital sovereignty can evolve depending on risks, stakes, and prevailing circumstances. Implementing coordinated and comprehensive efforts with substantial resources is crucial to enhance internal resilience, foster innovation, and developing critical infrastructures and emerging disruptive technologies.

Let us explore the process of developing a robust and comprehensive digital sovereignty strategy that aligns with an organisation’s specific needs. 

1. Assessing Your Digital Landscape 

Before embarking on the journey towards digital sovereignty, conducting a thorough assessment of your current digital landscape is essential. This evaluation will provide valuable insights into your existing practices, vulnerabilities, and areas of improvement. Here’s how you can assess your digital landscape effectively: 

Review Data Governance

Start by examining your data governance policies and procedures. Ensure that you have a clear understanding of the data you collect, store, and utilise. Assess the effectiveness of your data management practices, data security measures, and compliance with relevant regulations. 

Evaluate Technology Infrastructure

Analyse your technology infrastructure, including hardware, software, and digital tools for gathering, storing, and managing data. Identify any potential risks or dependencies on external platforms. Consider the servers’ location and assess if they align with your digital sovereignty goals. 

Identify Data Sources and Flows

Map out your data sources and how it flows within your organisation. Determine the channels through which you acquire data, such as websites, subscriptions, transactions, and customer interactions. Understanding the data flow will help you identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with privacy regulations. 

2. Implementing Strategies for Digital Sovereignty

To achieve digital sovereignty, businesses must implement effective strategies that ensure control, security, and compliance in the digital realm. By adopting the following key strategies, you can establish a strong foundation for digital sovereignty. 

2. Implementing Strategies for Digital Sovereignty

To achieve digital sovereignty, businesses must implement effective strategies that ensure control, security, and compliance in the digital realm. By adopting the following key strategies, you can establish a strong foundation for digital sovereignty. 

Develop a Robust Data Governance Framework:

To begin, create a comprehensive data governance framework that outlines clear policies, procedures, and guidelines for data management. This framework should encompass data collection, storage, usage, access controls, and data protection. Regularly review and update the framework to align with evolving regulations and industry best practices. You can effectively manage and safeguard your digital assets by establishing a solid data governance foundation. 

Strengthen Data Security Measures:

Data security is paramount for digital sovereignty. Enhance your security measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorised access, breaches, and cyber threats. Implement encryption, firewalls, secure authentication protocols, and regular security audits. To ensure compliance and maintain customer trust, adhere to relevant regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By prioritising data security, you fortify your digital infrastructure against potential vulnerabilities. 

Prioritise Local Data Storage:

Consider investing in local data storage infrastructure to enhance your digital sovereignty. You retain greater control over data management, security, and compliance by hosting your data on local servers. Evaluate reliable local data centres or cloud providers that prioritise data privacy and sovereignty. This lets you reduce dependence on external entities and maintain autonomy over your digital assets. 

Embrace Open Source Solutions:

Embracing open-source software solutions can empower your digital sovereignty journey. Open-source platforms offer transparency, customisation, and reduced reliance on external vendors. However, ensure proper security measures are in place to mitigate associated risks. Open-source technologies provide flexibility and control over your digital assets, enabling you to shape your digital infrastructure according to your needs. 

Implement Data Privacy Training and Awareness:

It is crucial to educate your employees about data privacy and their roles in maintaining digital sovereignty. Provide comprehensive training on data protection practices, data handling procedures, and the responsible use of digital tools. Foster a culture of accountability and ensure all employees understand their responsibilities in safeguarding sensitive information. By cultivating a data privacy-conscious workforce, you establish a strong defence against data breaches and promote a privacy-centric environment. 

Continuously Monitor and Improve:

Digital sovereignty is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and improvement. Stay updated with data regulations relevant to your industry and geographic location. Regularly review and update your data governance framework to align with evolving compliance requirements. Conduct periodic security audits to identify vulnerabilities and ensure the effectiveness of your security measures. Implement recommended enhancements promptly to maintain a secure digital environment. 

Develop a Robust Data Governance Framework

To begin, create a comprehensive data governance framework that outlines clear policies, procedures, and guidelines for data management. This framework should encompass data collection, storage, usage, access controls, and data protection. Regularly review and update the framework to align with evolving regulations and industry best practices. You can effectively manage and safeguard your digital assets by establishing a solid data governance foundation. 

Strengthen Data Security Measures

Data security is paramount for digital sovereignty. Enhance your security measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorised access, breaches, and cyber threats. Implement encryption, firewalls, secure authentication protocols, and regular security audits. To ensure compliance and maintain customer trust, adhere to relevant regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By prioritising data security, you fortify your digital infrastructure against potential vulnerabilities. 

Prioritise Local Data Storage

Consider investing in local data storage infrastructure to enhance your digital sovereignty. You retain greater control over data management, security, and compliance by hosting your data on local servers. Evaluate reliable local data centres or cloud providers that prioritise data privacy and sovereignty. This lets you reduce dependence on external entities and maintain autonomy over your digital assets. 

Embrace Open Source Solutions

Embracing open-source software solutions can empower your digital sovereignty journey. Open-source platforms offer transparency, customisation, and reduced reliance on external vendors. However, ensure proper security measures are in place to mitigate associated risks. Open-source technologies provide flexibility and control over your digital assets, enabling you to shape your digital infrastructure according to your needs. 

Implement Data Privacy Training and Awareness

It is crucial to educate your employees about data privacy and their roles in maintaining digital sovereignty. Provide comprehensive training on data protection practices, data handling procedures, and the responsible use of digital tools. Foster a culture of accountability and ensure all employees understand their responsibilities in safeguarding sensitive information. By cultivating a data privacy-conscious workforce, you establish a strong defence against data breaches and promote a privacy-centric environment. 

Continuously Monitor and Improve

Digital sovereignty is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and improvement. Stay updated with data regulations relevant to your industry and geographic location. Regularly review and update your data governance framework to align with evolving compliance requirements. Conduct periodic security audits to identify vulnerabilities and ensure the effectiveness of your security measures. Implement recommended enhancements promptly to maintain a secure digital environment. 

Section 6:

Take the first step to digital sovereignty with Finworks  

As businesses embark on their journey towards digital sovereignty, partnering with a trusted UK and European provider becomes paramount. Finworks, a leading provider of data management and workflow solutions, offers a compelling advantage rooted in independence and excellence. With a deep understanding of the local regulatory landscape and a commitment to data privacy, Finworks empowers organisations to thrive while adhering to stringent standards. 

Industry Considerations on Technological Sovereignty

Technological sovereignty has emerged as a critical consideration across various industries, reflecting the growing need for autonomy and control over technology infrastructure and tools. This concept entails ensuring that businesses and organisations have the ability to make independent decisions regarding the development, deployment, and management of their technological systems.

Finworks Data Management and Workflow solutions cater to diverse industries, enabling businesses across sectors to achieve digital sovereignty. Whether in government, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, or retail, Finworks tailored solutions deliver the flexibility, scalability, and security required to drive transformative change.


Enhancing Efficiency and Data Governance

Finworks solutions have emerged as a catalyst for enhancing operational efficiency and strengthening data governance. By seamlessly integrating various data sources and streamlining workflows, these solutions empower government agencies to make data-driven decisions while ensuring compliance with stringent regulations. 


Transforming Patient Care and Health Data Management

Adopting Data Management solutions in the healthcare sector has resulted in a paradigm shift in patient care and health data management. With the ability to seamlessly integrate electronic health records, medical devices, and other data sources, these solutions enable healthcare providers to gain comprehensive insights, improve diagnoses, and deliver personalised treatment plans. Moreover, they enhance data security, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive patient information.


Optimising Operations and Supply Chain Management

For the manufacturing industry, Finworks Workflow act as a driving force behind optimising operations and streamlining supply chain management. These solutions provide manufacturers with real-time visibility into their operations by centralising and harmonising data from various sources such as production lines, inventory systems, and customer feedback. This empowers them to make data-backed decisions, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver products that align with customer demands. 

Finworks has proven to be an invaluable asset when maximising digital sovereignty. Contact us today and unlock the benefits of independence and excellence in your organisation's digital transformation journey. 

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